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My Projects

As a game designer and programmer, I have worked on various projects that have helped me hone my skills and learn new things. Here are a few of my recent game development projects.

FindME-2D Game

Individual Project

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A Dynamic 2D Platformer Adventure with:

  • Unique size-switching mechanic with diverse abilities

  • Robust level manager enabling dynamic level progression

  • Seamlessly integrated game loop with start, pause, and win/lose functionalities.


Maze Runner 3D

Group Project

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A survival horror maze game with:

  • Endless procedural maze with lives/heart count

  • Monsters feature spatial sound, creating a suspenseful experience

  • Dynamic flickering lights and high-score saving functionality implemented for added immersion

Prince's Revenge RPG

Individual Project

An RPG text Based Game solely made on C++, It brings a story of a prince who lost his father, his crown. Now he's trying to get it back by killing all the generals in 5 kingdoms and getting artifacts to do the same.

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Sporty Brawl Game

Individual Project

Sporty Brawl is a thrilling text-based two-player combat game crafted entirely in C++.

You get different sports player choices like athlete, powerlifter etc.

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